Wotif Coupons & Promo Code February 2025
- Super OfferPromo
Find flights around the world at $299 or under
- Super OfferPromo
Book the Avalon Hotel in Miami Beach at 33% off
- Super OfferPromo
Save 19% on a 2-night stay at the Shinjuku Prince Hotel in Tokyo
- Never miss a greatWotifcoupon, and so many more!
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Shop the Deal page and score 30% of more on hotel bookings
- Super OfferPromo
Knock up to 45% off hotel bookings in London
These offers have expired, but may still work
Popular Wotif Coupons for February 2025
Title of Voucher Code | Discount Type | Expiry Date |
Knock up to 45% off hotel bookings in London | Online Deal | |
Shop the Deal page and score 30% of more on hotel bookings | Online Deal | |
Save 19% on a 2-night stay at the Shinjuku Prince Hotel in Tokyo | Online Deal | |
Book the Avalon Hotel in Miami Beach at 33% off | Online Deal | |
Find flights around the world at $299 or under | Online Deal |
Q&A with Wotif
![Wotif Groupon AU Image](https://img.grouponcdn.com/vouchercloud/2S77EqQ8sC2PNrSvJBYZh62QvzsL/2S-660x242.webp)
What is the Wotif Price Promise?
Along with a Wotif coupon from us, the Wotif Price Promise is one of the best assurances of value for money. If you find a cheaper price elsewhere for your exact hotel booking or holiday package on the very same dates, notify Wotif within 24 hours of booking and you’ll be refunded the difference.
Can I change the name on my Wotif flight?
The name on your flight booking must match the name on your government-issued ID. If there is a problem, please contact the Wotif support team on 1800 781 219 as soon as possible. You may incur airline charge fees for name corrections, so do check the details before you confirm.
How do I cancel a Wotif flight or hotel booking?
To cancel your Wotif flight, please call the support team on 1800 781 219 as soon as possible.
To cancel a hotel booking, sign into your account and select the itinerary you would like to cancel from the Upcoming tab. Next, select Manage Booking and Cancel Room. Follow the instructions to confirm your cancellation. If there is no option to cancel, it could be that you have missed the hotel’s cancellation deadline or that your booking is part of a package. If this is the case, please contact the support team to find out your options.
How much baggage can I take on my Wotif package holiday?
Most airlines allow you to bring one carry on bag and one personal item (such as a handbag) on board. Larger bags need to be checked and may incur a charge. You will be able to see estimated baggage fees for each Wotif flight by selecting the Show Flight Details option during your search. However, it is important to double check baggage allowances on your specific airline’s website before you fly.
Can I buy a Wotif gift card online?
Unfortunately, Wotif does not offer gift cards for any type of travel at this time.
Connecting with Wotif
Call Wotif: 1800 781 219
Email Wotif: Get in touch through this online contact form.