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Yarra Medical And Cosmetic Centre

G2/657 Chapel St, South Yarra

Up to 78% Off on Soprano Laser Hair Removal at Yarra Medical And Cosmetic Centre

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Stop unwelcomed hair growth! Advanced & Comfortable hair removal treatments with long lasting results, Safe for face & body and No downtime

About This Deal

Six sessions of laser hair removal on two areas

Six sessions of laser hair removal on three areas

Six sessions of laser hair removal on four areas

What happens at the sessions?

The first session will begin with a consultation, followed by the first treatment.

What areas can be targeted?

Women’s areas

One area: face | upper lip | chin | upper neck | front or back of neck | underarms | hands and fingers | feet and toes | areola | abdomen | bikini | Brazilian | buttocks

Two area: select two area from One area selection

Three areas: half back (top or bottom) | half legs (top or bottom) | half arms (top or bottom) | chest

Four areas: full back | full arms | full legs

Men’s areas

One area: cheeks | upper neck | front or back of neck | ear and nose | underarms | Brazilian | hands and fingers | feet and toes | shoulders

Three areas: chest | half back (top or bottom) | half legs (top or bottom) | half arms (top or bottom)

Four areas: full arms | full back | full legs


Equipped with Venus Versa Technology, suitable for all skin types

Venus Versa high peak-power laser pulses are designed to provide the speed and targets surface treatment areas while leaving surrounding tissues unaffected

Laser hair removal wipes out the hair, any future hair growth will usually be thinner and lighter, and thus much less pronounced than before

Each session takes 10-45 minutes with minimal or no redness or down time after each session. Complimentary consultation included on first visit

Need To Know

• Limit of 1 voucher per person

• Not valid on public holidays

• 48-hour cancellation policy or voucher is forfeited

• Sessions must occur at least 4 weeks apart

• Not suitable for pregnant or breastfeeding women, or those on photo-sensitising drugs

• Must not use sunbeds or fake tan four weeks prior to treatment

• Areas to be treated must be shaved prior to every session

• Chosen areas must not be waxed 4 weeks prior to treatment

• 6-10 sessions are generally recommended for best results

• Results will vary according to skin and hair type

Fine Print

Limit 1 per person, may buy 1 additional as gift(s). May be repurchased every 30 days. Valid for the following treatment areas: insert valid treatment areas . State Voucher and Security Code at time of booking. Present printed or smartphone Groupon on arrival. Must redeem first session by 01/05/2021 . Appointment required, contact by phone or email at 03 9826 9111 or . Valid to: 01/05/2021 . Not suitable for pregnant and breastfeeding people. All participants should ensure that they are in good health; if in doubt, please consult a GP. Please arrive 5 minutes early.

About Yarra Medical And Cosmetic Centre

Located opposite Vogue Plaza, Yarra Medical And Cosmetic Centre provides a range of services that include GP medical consultations, nursing care, pathology, dietitian and psychology counselling. They cater to skincare needs and offer cosmetic treatments such as anti-wrinkle injections, dermal fillers and thread lifting. Micro-suction ear wax removal and minor surgeries are also available.

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