Doing push-ups is like counting sheep; after the first few, you tend to lose focus and begin singing lullabies instead. Stay on track to improved fitness with today’s Groupon: $19 for 24 bootcamp sessions with Universal Health Network, three Adelaide locations ($360 value).
Universal Health Network utilises the skills of enthusiastic and encouraging fitness experts to motivate individuals of every age and ability to get into shape and maintain optimum health. Groupies go commando and carry out 24 boot camp sessions, raising the heart beat and improving their health in an invigorating environment in the great outdoors. Each intensive session runs for 30 to 45 minutes, and classes run on various day through the week, both in the morning and evening.
Universal Health Network offers a wide range of health services to people throughout Australia, including yoga, Pilates, massage, chiropractic, physiotherapy, personal training, Chi Kung and more. Beginners through to avid health enthusiasts are encouraged to get active and try this fun approach to improved fitness. The deal is valid at three locations in the Adelaide region: Wynn Vale, Gawler and Semaphore
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- Valid from 25 Jan 2012
- Valid to 25 May 2012
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