The teppanyaki arena is where the most acrobatic food morsels end up, while lazier cuisine is assigned to slow cookers and stews. Be amazed by flying fare with today’s Groupon for Tem Ichi Japanese Teppanyaki in Parramatta:
- $29 for a ten-course teppanyaki banquet for two people with unlimited green tea ($66 value)
- $55 for a ten-course teppanyaki banquet for four people with unlimited green tea ($132 value)
- $79 for a ten-course teppanyaki banquet for six people with unlimited green tea ($198 value)
Serving up delicious Japanese food with entertaining flair, Tem Ichi Japanese Teppanyaki is the perfect venue for an unforgettable dining experience. Pull up a pew in the entertainment arena and watch as tasty morsels are masterfully diced, sliced and grilled to perfection on a sizzling teppanyaki iron griddle, before being flung into the air and falling into the waiting mouths of hungry patrons. Sip back on unlimited amounts of green tea and indulge in a ‘Kawasaki’ teppanyaki banquet, complete with ten delicious dishes.
The Menu
Authentic Japanese flavours burst across appreciative tastebuds, with bellies happily filled with the following dishes:
- Fresh salad
- Miso Soup
- Spring rolls
- Prawns
- Fresh fish
- Teriyaki chicken
- Misoyaki steak
- Mixed stir-fried vegetables
- Fried rice
- Ice-cream
Available Hours
Lunch: Mon-Fri 11.30am-3pm
Dinner: Mon-Fri & Sun 5.30pm-10pm
Fine Print
- Purchase multiple vouchers
- 1 voucher per person per visit
- Max 6 people per booking
- Subject to availability. No refunds if your preferred date
is unavailable - Please expect a high demand for weekend bookings. Advanced booking is recommended
- Tem Ichi Japanese Teppanyaki abides by th Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) regulations and has the right to enforce them
- Ages 18+ for alcohol consumption
- 48-hour cancellation / rescheduling policy or voucher
is forfeited - Valid for dine-in only
- No