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Premium Seats for Gold Coast Titans vs Sydney Roosters Game Plus Delicious Dinner for Two People – $59 for Gold Class or $69 for Titanium Class, Includes Return Transport and Entry to Titanium Bar After the Game (Up to $194 Value)

Gold Coast

** Gold Coast Titans

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Some football fans show their support by wearing team colours to the game, while others simply name their children Grubber Kick, Halfback and Prop. Cheer on your team in true style with today’s Groupon for the Jetstar Gold Coast Titans:

  • $59 for two Gold class seats to Gold Coast Titans vs Sydney Roosters game plus dinner, return transport and after-game entry to Titanium Bar ($166 value)
  • $69 for two Titanium class seats to Gold Coast Titans vs Sydney Roosters game plus dinner, return transport and after-game entry to Titanium Bar ($194 value)


Watch the mighty Gold Coast Titans take on the Sydney Roosters at Skilled Park and experience all the thrills, thumps and excitement up close and personal. With a choice of either Gold or Titanium class options, footy-loving Groupies will hear the grunt and feel the power from the best seats in the house as their sporting heroes battle it out for game-day glory over 80 gruelling minutes. Cheering pairs fill hungry bellies before or after the whistle blows with a tasty dinner for two at the Titanium Bar in Surfers Paradise, which has a range of delicious dishes including fish and chips, steak and salad and more. Getting to and from the game is all taken care of, with return transfers between Titanium Bar and Skilled Park included. The good times continue long after the final whistle blows, with post-game bar entry thrown in too. Groupies also receive a $10 voucher to use at Titanium Bar on a return visit.



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Fine Print

  • Purchase multiple vouchers
  • 1 voucher per couple per visit
  • Subject to availability
  • Lunch/dinner available Sat 7 Apr 2012, 11.30am–9pm or Sun 8 Apr 2012, 12pm-3pm
  • Not valid with any other offer
  • Gold Coast Titans and Titanium Bar abides by the Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) regulations and has the right to enforce them
  • Under 18’s must be accompanied by an adult at Titanium Bar
  • Menu subject to change
  • Valid for either Gold or Titanium seating
  • Titanium Bar after the game is for 18+ only

About ** Gold Coast Titans

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