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Merimbula Marina

Public Jetty, Market Street, Merimbula

$35 for a Four-Hour Whale-Watching Cruise for One Person with Go Whale Watching, Darling Harbour (Up to $80 Value)

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of Groupon customers
recommend this business
(based on 470+ reviews)

  • See the sights of the Sydney Harbour before heading out to sea
  • Ranked on Tripadvisor as the #1 attraction in Merimbula
  • Guaranteed to see whales or a free return cruise given
  • Purpose-built boat designed to carry 75 people

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About This Deal

Young whales are strictly forbidden to chew bubble gum by their parents, as the bright pink bubbles that emerge from their blowholes can draw the attention of whalers. See the wise beasts in their natural habitat with today's Groupon for Go Whale Watching, Darling Harbour:

The Deal

$35 for a four-hour whale-watching cruise for one person (total value up to $80)

Groupies go searching for mammalian seafarers in the waters of Sydney, with a chance to see such species as humpback and southern right whales. Folks take to the seas in a boat capable of carrying 75 people and cruise past the sights of Darling Harbour on the way to their destination: a vantage point that offers a chance to catch briny behemoths on their migratory journey.

The cruise takes place on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and selected Mondays at 9am and 1pm, as well as daily during NSW school holiday running from 27 June to 14 July.

Go Whale Watching

Operating under the auspices of Merimbula Marina, Go Whale Watching helps interested parties stare straight into the blubbery blowholes of oceanic mammals in the waters off Darling Harbour. Go Whale Watching offers a range of whale-watching experiences designed to let passengers get up close and personal with a variety of whale species. The cruises and whale-watching trips offered by Go Whale Watching take place on the True Blue, a custom-built 16m Super Sea Cat. Those who want to take a little something home with them can opt for one of the company’s fishing charter options, including a five-hour reef fishing charter, allowing folks to pursue a range of slippery customers including marlin, yellowfin tuna, bluefin tuna and kingfish.


Thankyou Simon and crew for the amazing experience
Bek5, TripAdvisor, Feb 2014
If you have the chance to do a Whale Watching Tour, you should choose Merimbula Marina!!
BellaBavaria, TripAdvisor, Nov 2013

Fine Print

• Purchase multiple vouchers
• Limit of 1 voucher per person per visit
• Subject to availability and weather conditions
• If your cruise is cancelled due to unsafe weather conditions you will be contacted the evening prior to re-schedule your cruise. You can also check the Go Whale Watching website for updates
• If no whales are sighted, there is no refund, in the unlikely event that no whales are sighted by the crew during your cruise you will be given a free return cruise
• There is no refund for seasickness. We strongly recommend you visit your chemist and discuss seasickness prevention to ensure you have an enjoyable cruise
• No refunds if your cruise is cancelled due to unsuitable weather. Our booking office will contact you to re-schedule your cruise
• Should you need to re-schedule your online booking please phone Go Whale Watching (02) 6495 1212 or email ($10 administration fee applies)
• Strictly no alcohol to be taken onboard
• Go Whale Watching reserves the right to substitute any vessel if required
• Children of any age require their own voucher
• Please arrive 20 minutes before scheduled departure time
• Go Whale Watching terms and conditions apply
Standard fine print for all deals

How to Redeem

Valid from: 23 May 2014
Valid to: 14 Sep 2014
• Book online:
(1). Select preferred date, enter number of people and confirm availability
(2). Select 9am or 1pm cruise
(3). Enter Voucher Code and click 'Use Voucher'. Repeat this step for every Voucher Code if you book for multiple people
(4). Enter contact details, each person's name and Security Code
• If you are purchasing additional seats direct please supply your credit card details and select 'Pay Now'
• Confirmation email will be sent to you
• Present printed voucher on arrival
• Enquiries phone: (02) 6495 1212

About Merimbula Marina

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