Participants can connect online to revitalize and balance the mind and body through Ancient & traditional Ashtanga
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About This Deal
The Deal
$47 for one month of unlimited live real-time online yoga classes (total value up to $55)
- You get 16 classes in one month in your own comfort
- Participants can perform in their own comfort space
- Use Zoom to connect with Yoga and Meditation School of India studios from anywhere in Australia
- All online Yoga classes are very traditional based on thousands of year-old Ashtanga and Hatha Yoga and are conducted in real-time
Fine Print
• Kids 12 years and under can join Paid Parents for Free with an Unlimited Monthly pass.
• You should be on MUTE all the time.You will be seen by all members across Australia.
• For training and advertising purpose sometimes our online classes are recorded.
• Log in at least 10 mins before the start of the class. You will be first stationed in the virtual waiting room.
• We recommend parents to check their Kid's ability before joining our classes. The recommended age is 8years plus.
• Once the class starts there are no refunds. It is your responsibility to cancel the class if you can not attend.
• Please keep your video on so we know who you are and how you are performing, we will correct you accordingly.
How to Redeem
• Expiry: 60 days from purchase• Email to book: info@yogaschoolofindia.com.au
• Phone 0410 166 909 for help or enquiries
• State Voucher and Security Code at time of booking
• Go to - Yoga and Meditation School Of India .
• Create your Login Details and Update your profile page
• The profile page is mandatory for all members.This shows the person is legitimate and real
• When you register for the first time you will automatically get the liability waiver form to sign (Digitally)
• Valid hours: Mon, Tuesday, Wednesday (Sydney/Melbourne time) 7pm-8.00pm Sun: 9am-10.00am
DISCLAIMER - Please note that by joining these live-streaming classes you do so at your own risk and our yoga studio is not responsible for any injury while accessing this service. You are solely responsible for evaluating and assessing your health and well-being. Please don't do anything that doesn't feel right. Standard fine print for all deals.
.About Yoga and Meditation School of India
Yoga and Meditation School of India strives to balance a fun and friendly environment with a strengthening workout designed to build flexibility and tone key muscle groups. Combining the ancient practices of Hatha and Ashtanga yoga, Yoga and Meditation School Of India offers authentic yoga in a spacious, comfortable and warm atmosphere where students get to practice postures, breathing exercises and manage meditation. The company boasts studios in Caulfield, Cheltenham and Oakleigh South.