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Magzter Gold

$19.95 for One-Year Online Access to Fashion and Lifestyle Magazines at Magzter (Up to $99.99 Value)

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Enjoy one-year online access to fashion and lifestyle magazines such as New Idea, Marie Claire Australia, Home Beautiful & Gourmet Traveller

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About This Deal

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The Deal

$19.95 for one-year online access to fashion and lifestyle magazines (total value up to $99.99)


  • Enjoy one-year online access to New Idea, Marie Claire Australia, Money Magazine Australia, Home Beautiful, Real Living Australia, Diabetic Living Australia, That's Life, Gourmet Traveller, WellBeing, BBC Good Food UK, National Geographic Traveller UK, The Australian Women's Weekly Food and Women Fitness
  • Get access to premium stories curated from best-selling titles
  • Also, get unlimited access to hundreds of other popular fashion magazines and lifestyle magazines

About Magzter

Magzter is the world’s largest digital reading destination with over 75 million users since its inception in 2011 and thousands of magazines and newspapers across 40+ categories and 60+ languages. The Magzter platform is available as an app on Apple iOS and Android (Google Play), and a website for browser-based reading.

Fine Print

* Expires on 30/01/2025 * Limit of 5 vouchers per person. * Redemption required online at * Standard fine print for all deals

About Magzter Gold

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