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About This Deal
The Deal
$8 for one ticket to KIIS EYE Ferris wheel for one child (2 -12 years)
$11 for one ticket to KIIS EYE Ferris wheel for one person (13 years+)
$35 for one ticket to KIIS EYE Ferris wheel for one gondola (up to 6 people)
A gondola ticket is valid for up to six people, 2yrs + (depending on size)
$8 for one ticket to add a mini golf session for one child (1 -12 years)
$11 for one ticket to add a mini golf session for one person (13 years+)
$35 for one ticket to add a mini golf session for up to four people (1 year +)
Fine Print
Valid days and hours: Monday-Friday (2 pm – 9.30 pm); Saturday and Sunday (10 am – 9.30pm). No advance booking required, present printed or smartphone Groupon on arrival. Download free Groupon app for Android and iOS. State Voucher and Security Code at time of booking. Present printed or smartphone Groupon on arrival. The Gondola ticket is for a combination of adults and children (up to 6 people depending on size). Children aged 12 and under or under 140cm must ride with a capable person. Children under 2 ride for free. Vouchers redeemable after 24hrs of purchase. Valid to: 19/03/2023. Limit 10 per person, may buy 10 additional as gift(s).
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Choose Your Deal Option:
One Ticket to KIIS EYE Ferris Wheel/Mini Golf/Gondola for One Child, One Person, upto Six people at SkyLine Australia